Hastings Environmental Law Journal - Open for Submissions

Posted by Alex Sauerwein, community karma 27
Hello legal scholars! The University of California, Hastings Environmental Law Journal (HELJ) is open for submissions for the fall issue of Volume 26. Please submit by Friday, August 16th for priority consideration. We will continue to accept submissions until Saturday, August 31st with final decisions being made by Friday, September 6th. The issue will be published on Friday, November 1, 2019. 

HELJ accepts submissions from professors, researchers, attorneys, and exceptional student research papers. HELJ also accepts technical and policy pieces that can be used to help the legal field understand environmental issues. For example, we have recently published important land use articles and pesticide regulation articles, which have been used in discussions at the California Legislature and other policy making bodies. 

To learn more about our journal, please visit us at: http://sites.uchastings.edu/helj/ 

You may also contact our team at HELJ@UCHASTINGS.EDU