Call For Papers Auto/Fiction- Regular

Posted by Shashi Bhusan Nayak, community karma 35
Open Issue

Auto/Fiction: Autobiography, Fiction & Autofiction

We are  open to all kinds of applied and theoretical papers on autofiction. Contributions should be written in English and may vary in length from 3000 to 12000 words. Reviews should not be more than 1000 words. In addition to scholarly papers, we invite contributions in the form of book reviews, calls for papers, announcements of conferences etc. All contributions must adhere to the MLA style sheet (8th Edition) with an abstract and keywords.All methods and approaches are welcome. Potential themes include but are not limited to:

·         Fact, Fiction & autofiction

·         Metafiction

·         Surfiction

·         Faction

·         Auto-narration

·         Auto-fabulation

·         Autobiographical novel

·         Autobiography and autofiction

·         The self-fictionalization

·         The author and his/her double

·         Frontiers of the writing itself

·         Narrative and fiction

·         Narrative analysis

·         Narrative and autofiction

·         Theories of autofiction

·          Self-representational Writing

·         Online Writing of the Self

·         Fake Autobiographies

·         Auto-ethnographies

·         Autofiction in Cartoons

·         Autofiction in Dance and Film

·         Indigenous autofiction

·         Autofictions of ‘ordinary people’

·         Autobiography in Translation

·         Autofiction and the body

·         Autofiction and the law

·         Autofiction and human rights

·         Autofiction and sexuality

·         Visual autofiction

·         Psychoanalysis

·         Cultural analysis and autofiction

Please note that while we do make every effort to respond to submitters in a timely manner, the peer-review process can take between six and eight months. we read submissions year round.
For more information, please feel free  to contact: