Call for Submissions! Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law (Fall/Winter 2021 Issue)

Posted by Maria Frischling, community karma 37
The Loyola Journal of Public Interest Law (Loyola University New Orleans College of Law) is seeking articles for publication in for its 2021 Fall/Winter Issue. The Journal of Public Interest Law accepts submissions on all legal topics. Currently, the Journal is seeking submissions from non-student authors, specifically academics, legal scholars and/or judges. 

Loyola’s Journal of Public Interest Law is a scholarly journal published biannually by a student editorial board with faculty supervision. The Journal was founded as the Loyola Poverty Law Journal during the 1993-1994 academic year to explore the legal issues faced by those unable to afford legal representation such as the indigent, children, and the elderly.  In 2000, the Journal was renamed the Journal of Public Interest Law. Today, the Journal publishes scholarly articles, practitioner articles, lectures, student comments, and case notes that address local, national, and international legal issues faced by underrepresented populations. The Journal welcomes submissions on all public interest topics including the environment, public international law, animal rights, immigration law, disability law, criminal justice, health care, freedom of speech and religion, and education rights and opportunities. The Journal’s spring volume is devoted to a symposium on public interest law. Past symposia have explored predatory lending practices (Spring 2009), education reform (Spring 2010), state criminal regulation of immigrants and immigration related activities (Spring 2011), prosecutorial misconduct (Spring 2012), narratives of diversity (Spring 2013), prison reform (Spring 2014), workplace justice (Spring 2015), children’s rights and immigration (Spring 2016), bail reform (Spring 2019), movement lawyering (Spring 2020), and structural racism and the law (Spring 2021).

Please submit your articles electronically as soon as possible via Scholastica or emailing us directly at Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at Thank you!

1 Comment

Gregory Cemper, community karma 97
Good morning,

please specify the dead line for submissions.

Best regards,

Gregory Cemper
over 3 years ago
Hello Gregory! We don't have a set deadline, as we accept submissions on a rolling basis. However, the sooner the better because we are getting ready to finalize the publishing schedule at the end of the month. If you would like to submit a manuscript for review, please send it in ASAP through the submission portal or by emailing us at Thanks for your interest! Best, Maria Frischling
Maria Frischling – over 3 years ago
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