Call for Submissions: Symposium, "The Federal Tax System After Moore v. U.S."

Posted by David Hasen, community karma 12237
The Florida Tax Review invites submissions for its fall 2024 Symposium, "The Federal Tax System After Moore v. U.S." Submissions should not exceed 20,000 words in length; 12,000 to 15,000 words is preferred. Potential topics include (but are not limited to):
  • the future of the realization doctrine, mark-to-market taxation or wealth taxation
  • potential alternative bases for Congress to raise revenue
  • the relationship between taxation of "pass-through" entities and mark-to-market taxation of their owners
The symposium will be held in November 2024 at the University of Florida Levin College of Law. Submissions accepted for publication will appear in the Spring 2025 issue of the Florida Tax Review, which will be entirely devoted to the symposium
2 months ago