Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal: Call for Submissions

Posted by Emil Kranz, community karma 51

The Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal publishes articles on topics related to the practice and academic study of bankruptcy, as well as the intersection of bankruptcy and other areas of the law. EBDJ has been published since 1984 and is the only student-run bankruptcy journal in the United States.

The application period for Volume 35, Issue 1 will remain open only until the spaces allotted for works by practitioners and academic authors have been filled. We do not accept submissions from JD students.

Please submit manuscripts through our journal profile page on Scholastica. We ask each author to attach his or her CV (no cover letter necessary), and to include an approximately 300-word abstract outlining the manuscript’s topic and key arguments.

For more information, please refer to the EBDJ guidelines.f

almost 6 years ago