Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law Volume XXV: Call for Submissions

Posted by Eddie Cando, community karma 817

The Fordham Journal of Corporate & Financial Law is now accepting submissions for its 2019-2020 issues!  As one of the premier student-edited business law journals in the country, the Journal ranks as the single most-cited specialty journal in banking and finance, and among the top-ten specialty journals in corporations and associations. Academic journals, the financial press, and the U.S. Supreme Court have cited the Journal. 

The Journal welcomes articles and essays addressing important issues in banking, bankruptcy, corporate governance, capital markets, finance, mergers and acquisitions, securities, and tax law and practice. The Journal usually publishes two issues (Fall and Spring). 

We primarily use Scholastica for submission of articles. Please limit your submission to 40,000 words or fewer. Please include a resume. Text and footnotes should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (20th ed. 2015). Submissions are reviewed throughout the school year on a rolling basis. We do our best to accommodate expedite requests, but we do not guarantee we will finish the review process by the expedited deadline.

Feel free to contact the Senior Articles Editor, Eddie Cando at with any questions about our review and submission process.