Fordham Urban Law Journal Accepting Submissions for Vol. 45's Geography of Incapacitation Issue

Posted by Eva Schneider, community karma 91
The Fordham Urban Law Journal is now accepting articles for Volume 45's January 2018 Issue, centered around the Geography of Incapacitation.  

The Fordham Urban Law Journal has a strong history of addressing legal and public policy issues affecting urban populations across the nation and throughout the world.  Heading into its 45th year, the Journal is the Law School’s second-oldest publication and its most-cited specialty journal.   In light of the recent activism and political developments surrounding the closing of Rikers Island in New York City, we believe this is an incredible opportunity for our Journal to use our academic platform to highlight scholarship that will help further the conversation on the geography of incapacitation.   

Journal welcomes articles addressing:  prison gerrymandering; the siting of institutions of incapacitation (prisons, jails, halfway houses, reentry centers, etc.); the economic incentives and effects of prison and jail locations and their effects on certain geographic areas; and the politics of building and running prisons and jails, including any legal issues that may arise out of the proposal to close Rikers Island.  This list is in no way exhaustive and we invite you to submit an article proposal on any geography of incapacitation topic you believe deserves attention.    

If you have any questions, please contact Eva Coruzzi Schneider, Senior Articles Editor, at

Thank you, and we look forward to reviewing your submissions!

1 Comment

Mark Patalinghug, community karma 27
Good Day! how much is the Publication fee?
about 7 years ago
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