IJII is Looking for Reviewers!

Posted by Jenna Chemerika, community karma 51
Join the community of reviewers for the Interdisciplinary Journal of Indigenous Inaakonigewin, an interdisciplinary law journal exploring Indigenous legal orders.

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The Interdisciplinary Journal of Indigenous Inaakonigewin (IJII) was developed with the intention of uniting scholars, community leaders, and artists that have an interest in Indigenous law and remedies for justice. Our goal is to provide a diverse and inclusive platform, where teachers and students of all ancestral heritages can come together, across all academic disciplines, to share their research and knowledge as it pertains to Indigenous history, politics, law, education, health, business, as well as artistic expression, in the spirit of truth and reconciliation. This objective speaks to the interdisciplinary nature of the journal, where all forms of knowledge – whether it is an academic paper, a transcribed interview, or even poetry – are welcomed, embraced and mobilized through publication in the journal.