National D.B.A. Society Annual Conference (2020)-International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences

Posted by Ch. Mahmood Anwar, community karma 921
This is to inform our readers and members that Dr. Dario Vasquez (Journal Manager- International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences/Former Vice President- Sigma Beta Delta Chapter, Forbes School of Business, Ashford University) will participate as a special guest/speaker in The National D.B.A. Society Annual Conference (2020).

The conference will be held on March 24-25, 2020 at University of Phoenix, Charlotte, NC. For more details please contact Dr. Melvin J. Rivers (President- National D.B.A Society) at Visit for conference details.

International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (IJMESS) is a Chartered ABS (UK), and Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers (NSD/UHR/NPI/Cristin) ranked journal. IJMESS is indexed with The IET's Inspec (UK), Engineering Village (Elsevier), ERIH PLUS (NSD/EFS), The Nordic List, World Catalogue of Scientific Journals (Poland), Ulrichsweb etc. All articles are permanently archived with EconStor (German National Library of Economics) and assigned with a DOI issued by Crossref.

For more details please visit: