Now Available Online - Auto/Fiction 2:1

Posted by Shashi Bhusan Nayak, community karma 35
Volume 2, Number 1


1- A (Cyber) Damsel in Distress: Digital Memory and Self-Figuration in Mariana Eva Perez’s Diario de una Princesa Montonera - 110% Verdad
Jordana Blejmar
Pages 1-15

2- ‘Qui suis-je?’ - ‘Das bin doch ich!’
The Poetics of Autonarration in Breton and Kurzeck
Carina Berg
Pages 16-35

3-“What Follows is Substantially True and Accurate”: Autobiographical Subjectivity in David Foster Wallace’s - The Pale King
Matthew Darling
Pages 36- 53

4-Contemporary Lives on the Nature of Filmic Autobiographies
Laura Teresa Di Summa-Knoop
Pages 54-65

5- Re-thinking Desire: Constructing the Male Self in Hanif Kureishi
Andreas Athanasiades
Pages 66-82

6-Julien/Serge Doubrovsky: The Monster in the Mirror
Pierre-Alexandre Sicart
Pages 83-97

7-Crying Diaper
Becky Mclaughlin
Pages 98-115

8-My Blog is My Frame: The Unwritten Rules of the Blogosphere and How They Frame and Fracture Content
Elisabeth Hanscombe
Pages 116-123

Book Review:
9-Review of Narrative Imagination and Everyday Life
Supriya Prasanta
Pages 124-127

10- Notes on Contributors
Pages 128-130