Review of Banking & Financial Law (Boston University) - Now Accepting Submissions

Posted by Marcus Mello, community karma 599
The Review of Banking and Financial Law (RBFL) is currently seeking submissions for our Volume 40, published during the 2020-2021 academic year. RBFL will publish two issues this year which include articles covering the latest developments not just in banking and financial law, but also in the many topics including corporate, securities, bankruptcy, administrative, and tax law, which may intersect. We will be accepting rolling submissions from now until both our Fall and Spring issues are filled.  

Additionally, amid the response to the coronavirus outbreak RBFL has continued operations remotely and currently foresee no issues with the future publication of Volume 40. We are actively reviewing article submissions, and are committed to continuing timely responses to our submitted and accepted authors. While these are unprecedented circumstances, we believe our response shall provide the most stability going forward.

We look forward to reviewing new and upcoming submissions, and we wish all health and safety in the future.

All the best,

Review of Banking and Financial Law Editorial Board