The University of Cincinnati Intellectual Property and Computer Law Journal - Call for Submissions

Posted by Magaly Taylor, community karma 39

The University of Cincinnati Intellectual Property and Computer Law Journal invites scholars to submit original short-form research papers not exceeding 12,000 words in length for a forthcoming Issue. The Journal welcomes articles, dialogues, notes, and further comments thereon, in keeping with our editorial policy, as set out in the founding Editor’s remarks (see

The University of Cincinnati Intellectual Property and Computer Law Journal (“IPCLJ”) is a student-run law journal dedicated to furthering knowledge associated with the research and practice of intellectual property law, computer and technology law, and related fields including domestic and international media law and telecommunications policy. In addition to publishing traditional academic articles, the Journal publishes shorter student-authored blog posts on current issues in IP and Computer Law.

Scholars who are interested in publication in this Issue should email (1) a short abstract (500-1000 words) describing their proposed essay subject and (2) a brief bibliography to our editors at the address below; or (1) a short abstract (500-1000 words) describing their proposed essay subject and (2) a draft of the essay. The journal will accept abstracts from now until November 15, 2024. Essays selected will be published in the Issue of the University of Cincinnati Intellectual Property and Computer Law Journal in early 2025.

The Journal is published in an online version. Archives of past issues of the Journal are available through the University of Cincinnati Robert S. Marx Law Library’s Scholarship and Publications Repository at: The Journal is under the indexing process with Google Scholar.

If you have any questions or wish to submit an essay, please contact Magaly Taylor, at

5 months ago