University of Hawaiʻi Law Review: COVID-19 Update

Posted by Emily DeVille, community karma 9151
Dear Authors, 

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, the University of Hawaiʻi Law Review is continuing to accept submissions for our Volume 42, Issue 2 (Spring/Summer 2020) journal. We recognize the challenges this has caused, particularly as many law schools move to online courses, and are willing to work with authors on flexible deadlines as necessary. 

We wish everyone good health and safety. 

Emily DeVille 
Executive Editor, University of Hawaiʻi Law Review, Vol. 42
almost 5 years ago

1 Comment

Charlie Martel, community karma 9943
Thanks Emily for the update. I hope you, your colleagues, classmates, and loved ones are healthy, safe and at peace. I appreciate your reaching out to us at a time that is hectic and turbulent for all of us.

over 4 years ago
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