Urban Lawyer - Call for Submissions

Posted by Gabriella Mickel, community karma 31
The Urban Lawyer welcomes submissions of Articles, Comments, Notes, Essays, and Student Notes on issues of significance in state, local, regional or tribal government law or urban legal affairs. Potential topic areas include land use, housing, environmental and energy law, ethics, local government, civil rights, employment, labor, public education, elections and voting rights, emergency management, resiliency, public contracts, public finance, the sharing economy and construction law.

The Urban Lawyer has a word limit of 30,000 words (including footnotes), and a preference for 25,000 words or fewer. We value brevity and look favorably on pieces below the 30,000-word ceiling. A piece will be considered an essay if it is fewer than 10,000 words, and its primary purpose is to advance an idea, summarize a development, or initiate or engage in discussion. 

Citations should conform to the Bluebook. 
about 1 year ago

1 Comment

Steven L. Nelson, community karma 11765
Hey, Gabriella:

Do you have an idea of how long you'll be looking for pieces? I'm really close on a law and society piece, but I'm about two weeks away from a final version. Let me know if I'll be too late for you.
about 1 year ago
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