Dr Sascha Dov Bachmann, LLM, LLD, Assessor Jur, FHEA (UK)
(Full Professor)

University of Canberra

Canberra Law School

international law, international human rights law, public international law, law of armed conflict, peace and conflict studies, law of war, war, political influence, international law and international relations, international criminal law, international relations

About Me

Professor in Law at Canberra Law School - University of Canberra
Co-Convener National Security Hub - University of Canberra
Extraordinary Reader (Docent) in War Studies – Swedish Defence University (FHS) Stockholm
Fellow - NATO SHAPE, Hybrid War and Lawfare Pacific
Research Fellow - The Security Institute for Governance and Leadership in Africa, Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University
State Exam (Ludwig Maximillians Universität, Germany), Ass Juris, LLM (Stell, RSA), LLD (UJ, RSA) Attorney (Munich High Court)
Fellow of The Higher Education Academy (UK)
I am an international scholar, former Lieutenant Colonel (GER Army Res- with operational experience in the Balkans and as exchange offier to the US Marines) and a career professional in law and higher education. In the last 20 years I worked in various capacities and functions in the USA, the Middle East, South Africa and various European countries. I joined Canberra Law School in September 2019. The University of Canberra is ranked among the top 2 per cent of universities in the world, top 10 in Australia and 34th among the THE young university group. Before then I worked as an Associate Professor/Reader at Bournemouth University and the University of Lincoln in the UK after having worked as a Senior Lecture at the University of Portsmouth. I was appointed (eo) Docent (Reader) in War Studies at the Swedish Defence University in 2016. In November 2017 I was appointed (Professorial) Research Fellow at CEMIS, Faculty of Military Science, Stellenbosch University. I was educated in Germany (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München), South Africa (Stellenbosch University and University of Johannesburg) and the United Kingdom (University of Portsmouth). I worked with and presented to NATO, US CENTCOM, US AFRICOM, the Austrian Ministry of Defence, the Swedish Defence University, the Royal Danish Defence College, the South African National Defence Force and the Australian Defence College on the subjects of Hybrid War/Threats, Lawfare, InfoOps and Targeting. My research (more than 70 academic outputs) is interdisciplinary and discusses topical issues arising from new Security Challenges of the 21st Century such as Hybrid Warfare, Information Operations, the use of Lawfare, Cyber enhanced Hybrid Warfare alongside other law topics such as International Criminal Justice, HumRts Litigation.I am a regular contributor to NATO’s Legal Advisor Web (LAWFAS) with my publications often being used as NATO reference documents. I am a Fellow of NATO SHAPE for the Asia Pacific (Hybrid Threats and Lawfare).


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