Lucy Litt, BA (2012), MS (2016), JD (2022)

Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

criminal law, civil & criminal procedure, juvenile justice, juvenile law, juvenile justice issues, criminal justice, criminal defense, federal courts, rico, racketeering, gangs, organised crime; mafia, organized crime, criminal investigation, investigation, sentencing, prisons, prisoners' rights, grand juries, jail, incarceration and punishment, racial justice, racism, racial disparities in criminal justice, civil rights law

About Me

Lucy Litt is an incoming Associate at the DC office of Debevoise & Plimpton, where she will work until her clerkship with The Honorable Judge Reggie Walton of the DC District Court from 2024-2026.  Lucy graduated from Harvard Law School in 2022 with a Dean’s Award for Community Leadership and Honorable Mention for the Legal Profession Writing Prize.  In 2021, she published an article in the Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law, about racial bias in federal criminal RICO “street gang” prosecutions of young Black and Brown men. 

Lucy graduated from Mount Holyoke College magna cum laude with High Honors in Anthropology and Urban Studies in 2012 and completed her master’s degree in secondary special education at Fordham University while teaching middle and high school boys in a South Bronx juvenile detention center.  During Lucy’s final year of teaching, she received the national Teach for America Sue Lehmann Excellence in Teaching Award.  Lucy went on to work for the NYC Department of Education, where she developed policies to support homeless Pre-K students and the children of school-aged parents, and as a national jail and prison oversight research assistant for Professor Michele Deitch (University of Texas at Austin School of Law).  Right before law school, Lucy was a Program Officer at Just Detention International, where she worked with incarcerated adults who were being sexually abused in custody; in that role, she provided rape crisis counseling, advocacy, worked on research and policy initiatives, and collaborated with corrections officials on their policies and procedures (with a focus on incarcerated LGBTQI+ and mentally ill populations). 


  • Lucy Litt, “RICO: Rethinking Interpretations of Criminal Organizations,” Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law, 2021.
  • Lucy Litt, “Underage and Unprotected: Federal Grand Juries, Child Development, and the Systemic Failure to Protect Minors Subpoenaed as Witnesses,” University of Cincinnati Law Review, Forthcoming (December 2022).

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