Ediberto Roman, J.D., Wisconsin 1988
(Full Professor)

FIU College of Law

human rights, constitutional law, citizenship law
community karma : 77019

About Me

Professor Ediberto Román is a nationally-acclaimed scholar and an award-winning educator with broad teaching interests and an extensive scholarship portfolio. From 1995 to 2002, he was an associate professor and then professor of law at St. Thomas University School of Law. In 2003, he joined the Florida International University College of Law as a founding faculty member, then serving as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs from 2005 to 2007.

Before entering academia, he specialized in securities and antitrust litigation at several Wall Street law firms. His teaching experience include contracts, torts, corporations, comparative corporate law, products liability, agency and partnership, antitrust, immigration and
citizenship studies, professional responsibility, law and accounting, race and the law, remedies, and street law.

In addition to winning “professor of the year” twice, he was also the first law professor to receive an Excellence in Scholarship grant at Barry University-St. Thomas University and the first recipient of the College of Law Hispanic Law Student Association’s Enma Tarafa Excellence Award.

A prolific scholar, he has published over two dozen articles, essays, and book chapters on international law, securities regulation, evidence, constitutional law, critical race theory, post-colonial discourse, and law and literature. These articles have appeared in the leading law journals of Harvard, UC-Berkeley, Georgetown, Indiana, Houston, UC-Davis, Notre Dame, Seattle, Iowa, Miami, Villanova, San Diego, Rutgers, Florida, and Florida State and have been widely cited for their unique contributions to legal theory. His first two books on colonialism, citizenship, and nationality – The Other American Colonies: An International and
Constitutional Law Examination of The United States’ Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Island Conquests (Carolina Academic Press) and Citizenship and Its Exclusions: Classical, Constitutional, and Critical Race Perspectives (New York University Press) have received critical acclaim. He is currently finalizing his second book – Those Damn Immigrants: America’s Hysteria Over Latin American Migration (NYU) and Understanding Immigration (Carolina).

His scholarly productivity and national reputation has led him to recently be named series editor for NYU Press’ series on Citizenship and Migration in the Americas. In just over a year since its creation, the series is scheduled to publish books from many of the academy’s leading immigration, and constitutional law scholars. A sought after speaker and public intellectual, he is often asked by local, national, and international media to provide his views on constitutional law and immigration policy. His op-eds and interviews have appeared in national publications such as the New York Times, Newsweek, Politico, Bloomberg News (where he is a regular contributor), the Huffington Post (where he was a columnist), and the Miami Herald (several times). His work has earned him several teaching and scholarly awards and was recently featured by his university for his impact on law and social justice: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=199122704684753 


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