About Me
Federal prosecutor
- Vanessa Kubota, “A Law Clerk's Transition: From Umpire's Apprentice to Fighter in the Ring,” ABA Journal, July 2024. Pages 4
- Vanessa Kubota, “Loving Life As It Is: A Buddhist Guide to Ultimate Happiness (English Translation),” Shambhala Publications, Penguin Randomhouse, April 2024. Pages 200
- Vanessa Kubota, “What's In a Word? ,” Multilingual Magazine, January 2024. Pages 5
- Vanessa Kubota, “Law Needs a Balance Between Humanism and Formalism,” Law360, May 2023. Pages 2
- Vanessa Kubota, “No-Impact Victim Impact Statements: How California's Parole Hearing System Fails to Protect Victims' Rights,” Criminal Law Bulletin, October 2022. Pages 16
- Vanessa Kubota, “Subjective Feeling or Objective Standard? The Misuse of the Word "Repugnant" in the Model Rules of Professional Conduct,” Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, July 2022. Pages 62
- Vanessa Kubota, “Apprenticeship in the Halls of Justice: The Joy of the Appellate Clerkship,” Arizona Attorney Magazine, March 2022. Pages 4
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