CV Tirta Pustaka Press
civic education, curriculum teaching & learning
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About Me
JOCER: Journal of Civic Education Research is a journal published by CV Tirta Pustaka Press. This journal is a scientific and professional communication medium for researchers around the world to publish their research results in the field of civic education and learning. We seek responsive manuscripts that are able to make theoretical and empirical contributions to the development of civic studies and civic education in an interdisciplinary perspective covering the fields of ideology, politics, law, social, culture, education, history, and economics.
- Salsabila Imelda Saskia, “Analisis Peran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Dalam Membangun Sikap Nasionalisme Warga Negara,” JOCER: Journal of Civic Education Research, 2023-06-30. Pages 6-10
- Sasana Tunggal, “Membangun Kesadaran Politik Warga Negara Melalui Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan,” JOCER: Journal of Civic Education Research, 2023-06-30. Pages 11-15
- Ananda Prabu Laksana, “Model Pendidikan Karakter Dengan Landasan Komponen Contextual Teaching And Learning,” JOCER: Journal of Civic Education Research, 2023-06-30. Pages 16-23
- Andra Taupan, “Tafsir Umum Terhadap Hak Dan Kewajiban Warga Negara Dalam Bela Negara Menurut UUD 1945,” JOCER: Journal of Civic Education Research, 2023-06-30. Pages 1-5
- Jerimas Pelokilla, “UUD 1945 Sebagai Landasan Konstitusional Terhadap Perlindungan Hak Warga Negara Indonesia,” JOCER: Journal of Civic Education Research, 2023-06-30. Pages 24-28
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