Melvin L. Otey began his legal career in the U.S. Department of Justice Attorney General’s Honors Program as a Trial Attorney in the Organized Crime & Racketeering Section. Thereafter, he went into private practice and represented targets and witnesses at all stages of the investigative and adjudicative processes in a wide range of criminal matters including, inter alia, white collar crimes, violent crimes, and narcotics offenses. He later returned to the Justice Department in the Organized Crime & Gang Section, taught courses for federal prosecutors at the National Advocacy Center, and advised prosecutors nationally on all aspects of complex organized crime, racketeering, and white collar prosecutions. Otey joined the Faulkner Law faculty in 2014. Among other courses, he teaches Criminal Law, Constitutional Criminal Procedure, Advanced Criminal Procedure, Federal Crimes, and a Current Topics in Criminal Law seminar.

Faulkner University, Jones School of Law
criminal law, criminal procedure, racketeering, religion and society, religion and spirituality at the workplace
community karma
: 3007
About Me
- Melvin L. Otey, “Transnational Organized Crime,” The Norwich Review of International and Transnational Crime, 2015. Pages 8
- Melvin L. Otey, “Toward Improving Policing in African American Communities,” Journal of Civil Rights and Economic Development, 2016. Pages 67–118
- Melvin L Otey, “Does Motive Also Follow the Bullet? Transferred Intent and Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering,” Tennessee Law Review, 2022. Pages 377–417
- Melvin L Otey, “The Vexing Case of Venue for Violent Crimes in Aid of Racketeering,” Penn State Law Review, 2021. Pages 737–771
- Melvin L Otey, “A Paradigm for the Proper Use of Pre-Majority Conduct in Prosecuting Continuing Crimes,” George Mason Law Review, 2020. Pages 307–343
- Melvin L Otey, “The Propriety of Multiple Meanings in Scripture,” Restoration Quarterly, 2023. Pages 94–102
- Melvin L Otey, “To Punish or Not to Punish: Juveniles Offenders and Murder in Aid of Racketeering,” Baylor Law Review, 2023. Pages 593–629
- Melvin L Otey, “Jesus’s Objections During His Preliminary Examination and Modern Notions of Due Process,” Regent University Law Review, 2022. Pages 91–134
- Melvin L. Otey, “Why RICO's Extraterritorial Reach Is Properly Coextensive with the Reach of Its Predicates,” Journal of International Business and Law, 2015. Pages 33–65
- Melvin L Otey, “What Christians Need to Know About “Legalized” Marijuana,” Themelios, 2023. Pages 395–403
- Melvin L Otey, “Witness Sequestration and the Failure of Proof in Jesus’s Sanhedrin Trial (Mark 14:55–59),” Restoration Quarterly, 2023. Pages 149–160
- Melvin L Otey, “Jesus’ High Priestly Inquisitor in John Eighteen,” Stone-Campbell Journal, 2023. Pages 81–95
- Melvin L Otey, “The Ancient Pedigree of Homosexuality as the Sin of Sodom,” Themelios, 2024. Pages 32–43
- Melvin L Otey, “What Churches Should Do When Civil Authorities Restrict their Assemblies,” Theology Today, 2024. Pages 126–135
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