Julia Skinner
(Graduate Student)

Florida State University (FL)

Library and Information Studies

library science, social media, library history, censorship, psychology of loss and trauma, information studies, early modern england, iowa history, information seeking, sexual assault, book history, printing history, book arts, libraries and vulnerable populations

About Me

I am a first year doctoral student in Information Studies. My main research interests at the moment are library history, social media, international LIS education, and information needs of sexual assault victims. I am planning on conducting research in all these areas in the coming year or so. One of my goals as a doctoral student is to explore a variety of subjects and conduct research using a variety of methods while I still have the guidance of faculty. The hope is that this will help me become a well-rounded graduate and will allow me both to produce quality research in a variety of areas and to be an effective teacher when I am working with students who wish to conduct research. I also want to continue working with scholarly publications.

My other goals for this point in my life are to travel internationally, both for vacation and for opportunities to teach and volunteer, and to finish revisions on a book-length manuscript I've been working on as time permits. Outside of school, I enjoy cooking and gardening, listening to music, creating and appreciating art, and spending time with my partner, friends, and cats. 


  • Julia Skinner, “Censorship in the Heartland: Eastern Iowa Libraries during World War One,” Libraries and the Reading Public in Twentieth Century America; University of Wisconsin Press, 2012.
  • Skinner, Julia, “"Iowa," "Massachusetts" and "Tennessee" (encyclopedia chapters),” Kathleen Arnold, ed: Contemporary Immigration in Each of the United States, 2012.
  • Skinner, Julia, “E-mail as a Medium for "Oral History": A Personal Account,” Library Student Journal, 2011.
  • Skinner, Julia, “Bilingualism (encyclopedia chapter),” Patrick Hayes, ed. The Making of Modern Immigration: An Encyclopedia of People and Ideas, 2011.
  • Skinner, Julia, “Learning from the Past: Digitization and Information Loss,” B Sides, 2010.
  • Skinner, Julia, “Does Greater Specialization Imply Greater Satisfaction? Amateur Genealogists and Resource Use at the State Historical Society of Iowa Libraries,” Libri, March 2010.
  • Skinner, Julia, “Recovery from Trauma: A Look into the Process of Healing from Sexual Assault,” Journal of Loss and Trauma, 2009.

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