Georgia College & State University (GA)
marketing research, pedagogy, economics, management, environmental sciences, marketing strategy, marketing analytics, international business
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About Me
- Doreen Sams, “Integrating Undergraduate Research into the Curriculum Institute Proposal,” Council on Undergraduate Research, March 2014.
- Doreen Sams, Rebecca McMullen, Jennifer Hammack, and Robin Lewis , “Undergraduate Research Nuts and Bolts: GC Grassroots to Institutionalization,” Proceedings National Council on Undergraduate Research, 2015.
- Cynthia Rodriguez Cano and Doreen Sams , “Advancing Cognitive Moral Development: A Field Observation of College Students,” Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, 2010.
- Karen Berman, Doreen Sams, and Joanna Schwartz , “Attendance at College Theatre Events: Contributions Beyond Culture,” The American Journal of Arts Management, 2017.
- Jeniffer Sams and Doreen Sams , “Art Education as a Vehicle for Social Change: An Empirical Study of Eco Art in the K-12 Classroom,” Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 2017. Pages 1-20
- Janna Parker, Doreen Sams, Amit Poddar, and Kalina Manoylov , “Congruency in Water Conservation Behavior: Is What We Say What We Do?,” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2018. Pages 644-658
- Doreen Sams, Karen Berman, Steven Jones, Amy Pinney, Kalina Manoylov, Christine Mutiti, Samuel Mutiti, Allison VandeVoort, and Caralyn Zehnder , “Building Research into Undergraduate Curricula: Georgia College & State University Moves Full STEAM Ahead,” CUR Quarterly, 2016. Pages 4-14
- Doreen Sams, Rosalie Richards, Robin Lewis, Rebecca McMullen, Jennifer Hammack, Larry Bacnik, and Caitlin Powell , “Empirical Study: Mentorship as a Value Proposition (MVP),” International Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, July 2016.
- Doreen Sams, Rosalie Richards, Robin Lewis, Rebecca McMullen, Larry Bacnik, Jennifer Hammack, and Caitlin Powell , “Measuring Self-Efficacy and STEM-Fluency as Value-Added Outcomes of Undergraduate Research Mentoring: Scale Development,” CUR Quarterly, 2015. Pages 23-30
- Doreen Sams and Minna Rollins , “Cross-Cultural Communication via Videoconferencing: Strategies for a Successful International Marketing Assignment,” Journal of Business Diversity, 2015.
- Anne Hoel, Sarit Levy, Doreen Sams, Sherry Robinson, Minna Rollins , “Sustainability and Education Methodologies: Various Ways to teach the Business Curriculum,” Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, Winter 2013.
- Doreen (Dee) Sams, Gregg Kaufman, and Brian Mumma , “Beyond the Classroom Product Offering: Product Analyses by Two Distinct Customer Groups,” Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, 2012.
- Doreen Sams and Phil Sam, “ROA / ROI-Based Load And Performance Testing Best Practices: Increasing Customer Satisfaction and Positive Word-of-Mouth Advertising,” ,” Journal of Information Systems Technology & Planning, 2012. Pages 49-59
- Doreen Sams and Phil Sams , “Software Security Assurance a Matter of Global Significance: Product Life Cycle Propositions,” Journal of Technology Research, Feb 2012. Pages 1-9
- Doreen Sams, “US Commercial Food Safety: Consumers Assignment of Responsibility Within the Value Chain,” International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2011. Pages 6-14
- Coleen Sams and Doreen Sams , “Best Practice in Developing Critical Analyses: An Empirical Study of Self-Efficacy from an Interdisciplinary Perspective,” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 2011.
- Doreen Sams, Mohammad Ayub Khan, and Monica Ospina , “Across the Great Divide: Management, Culture, and Sustainability Across NAFTA region,” Journal of Academic and Business Ethics, July 2011. Pages 1-19
- Cynthia Rodriguez Cano and Doreen (Dee) Sams , “Body Modification and Young Adults: Predictors of Intentions to Engage in Future Body Modification,” Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2010. Pages 80-87
- Cynthia Rodriguez Cano and Doreen (Dee) Sams , “The Importance of an Internal Marketing Orientation in Social Services,” International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, April 2009.
- Cynthia Rodriguez Cano, Doreen (Dee) Sams, Joanna Schwartz , “The Job Stress-Job Performance Relationship in the Social Service Encounter,” The International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 2009. Pages 83-93
- Cynthia R. Cano, Doreen Sams, and Joanna Schwartz, “Is Socially Responsible Behavior Good Business? An Investigation of Tomorrow’s Business Leaders,” Journal of Social Responsibility, 2008. Pages 491-203
- Fernando Jaramillo, Robert Nixon, and Doreen Sams , “The Effect of Law Enforcement Stress on Organizational Commitment,” Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 2005. Pages 321-336
- Doreen Sams, Rosalie Richards, Robin Lewis, Rebecca McMullen, Larry Bacnik, Jennifer Hammack, and Caitlin Powell , “Reconsidering Undergraduate Research Mentoring: A Value Added Proposition?,” Council on Undergraduate Research, 2014.
- Jennifer Hammack, Rosalie Richards, Larry Bacnik, Robin Lewis, Doreen Sams, Rebecca McMullen, and Caitlin Powell , “Mr. Miyagi Mentoring: Working with Limited Research Resources in a Public Liberal Arts Setting,” Pre-ISSOTL Conference, 2013.
- Doreen Sams, “Case Study: Environmental Education and Outreach - Campus Ecology,” National Wildlife Federation , Feb 2012.
- Doreen Sams, “Cultural Skyping Experiences Across The 12-Hour Divide: A USA Perspective,” Intercom, Tesol International Association, September 2012.
- Doreen Sams, “Scales Contained in Dissertation,” Handbook of Nonprofit Scales – Perceptual Measures for Research on Nonprofit Organizations, 2016.
- Kendra Evans and Doreen Sams , “Kendra Evans and Doreen Sams ,” GACE Conference Proceedings, May 2020.
- Doreen Sams and Robin Lewis , “Undergraduate Research as A Transformative Learning Opportunity: Presenting at The Georgia State Capitol to The Senate and House Representative,” Proceedings Marketing Educators Management Conference, Fall 2019.
- Tsu-Ming Chiang, Doreen Sams, and Karen Berman , “Mentoring Undergraduate Research Through Study Abroad Courses,” Proceedings Council on Undergraduate Research Biennial Conference, July 2018.
- Janna Parker, Doreen Sams, and Kevin James , “Do You Need More Committed Volunteers for Your Nonprofit? Support Their Brand Community,” Proceedings AMS Annual Conference , May 2020.
- Doreen (Dee) Sams, “Overview of Federal Grants: An Opportunity for Marketing Educators to Fund Quality Research and Learn Through Collaboration,” Marketing Educator, Fall 2001.
- Doreen (Dee) Sams, “Overview of the International Marketing Research and Public Policy from Neglect to Influence,” Marketing Educator, Fall 2001.
- Jennifer Hammack, Robin Lewis, Rebecca McMullen, Caitlin Powell, Rosalie Richards, Doreen Sams, and Jeanetta Sims , “Handbook of Mentoring Undergraduate Research Second Edition,” Digital Commons, 2017.
- Kalina Manoylov, Erika Brown (graduate student), and Doreen Sams , “Transformative Learning Experiences Beyond the Classroom: A Longitudinal Case Study of One Organization’s Approach,” Proceedings International Conference for Academic Disciplines, 2019.
- Tsu-Ming Chiang, Rebecca McMullen, Doreen Sams, and Jeanetta Sims , “Innovation High Impact Learning Practices from Public Liberal Arts, Historically Black to Comprehensive Institutions,” Proceedings AAC&U Conference, Jan 2019.
- Janna Parker and Doreen Sams , “Volunteerism as Symbolic Consumption: The Hedonic and Utilitarian Value of Volunteerism,” Proceedings Academy of Marketing Science Conference, May 2016.
- Doreen Sams and Amanda Martin-Akin , “A Marketing Collaborative Adventure: Lessening the Threat of A Sticky Smelly Problem,” Proceedings Marketing Management Association Conference, April 2018.
- John Branch, Karin Braunsberger, Jie Fowler, Kevin Shanahan, and Doreen Sams , “Strategies to Develop and Recruit for Study Abroad,” Society for Marketing Advances,” Proceedings Society for Marketing Advances, Nov 2017.
- Tsu-Ming Chiang, Karen Berman, Doreen Sams, and JF Yao, “High Impact Learning Through Mentored Research Opportunities,” Proceedings Council on Undergraduate Research Conference, June 2017.
- Doreen Sams and Robin Lewis, “Skills Needed For Industry Of The 21st Century Found Obtainable Through Mentored Undergraduate Research: But How Do I Mentor Undergraduate Research?,” Proceedings iCERi 2016 Conference, 2016.
- Undergraduate Researchers - Sarah Baudin and Abigail Quick, and Mentor - Doreen Sams , “Growing Career Options in the Wastewater Industry: Level of Awareness Among Faculty and Students,” Proceedings National Council on Undergraduate Research, April 2019.
- Mentor - Doreen Sams and Undergraduate Researchers – Mary Alice Barrington and Henry (Hank) Von Ruden, “Sugar Sweetened Drinks: A Marketing Placement Observational Study,” Proceedings Marketing Management Association Conference, March 2020.
- Rosalie Richards, Caitlin Powell, Jennifer Hammack, Rebecca McMullin, Larry Backnik, Robin Lewis, and Doreen Sams , “Handbook of Mentoring Undergraduate Research,” Digital Commons, July 2014.
- Janna Parker and Doreen Sams , “Eco-Feedback Technology’s Influence On Water Conservation Attitudes and Intentions of University Students in the USA: An Experimental Design,” Sustainable Water Use and Management: Examples of New Approaches and Perspectives, Springer, March 2015.
- Kendra Evans and Doreen Sams , “Marketing Strategies for Institutions of Higher Educations’ Career Services: An Empirical Study,” Proceedings Marketing Management Association Conference, March 2020.
- Doreen Sams and Janna Parker , “Does Building Brand Communities in A Nonprofits Organization Lead to Organizational Commitment?,” Proceedings Atlantic Marketing Association, Sept 2019.
- Doreen Sams and Janna Parker , “Book Chapter: The Perspective of Small retailers on Sustainability: An Exploratory Study for Scale Development,” Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era Spring Publishing Germany, 2016.
- Doreen Sams, “Key Course Elements Delivered Through Actions and Reflections: Making It Stick,” Proceedings Augustana Conference on Undergraduate Research and Innovative Teaching, May 2020.
- Kymberly Drawdy, Anastasia Lin, and Doreen Sams , “Developing and Growing a Regional or Statewide Undergraduate Research Collective,” Proceedings Council on Undergraduate Research Conference, June 2019.
- Karen Berman, Doreen Sams, and Tsu-Ming Chiang , “Processes and Hurdles of a Successful and Growing Mentored Undergraduate Research & Creative Endeavors Program,” Proceedings Processes and Hurdles of a Successful and Growing Mentored Undergraduate Research & Creative Endeavors Program, June 2019.
- Doreen Sams, Tsu-Ming Chiang, and Kelly Massey , “Undergraduate Research Collaboration: Student-Initiated Faculty-Guided Interdisciplinary Research Connections,” Proceedings Council on Undergraduate Research Conference, June 2019.
- Chiang, Tsu-Ming, Kelly Massey, and Doreen Sams , “Conducting Undergraduate Research Through Partnerships with Community,” Proceedings National Council on Undergraduate Research, Apil 2019.
- Doreen Sams, “Study Abroad Benefits from a Host Country Agency Partnership,” Proceeding Iated Organization, ICERI Conference, Nov 2018.
- Donna Bergenstock, Doreen Sams, and Paul Dowling , “Innovation in Teaching International Marketing,” Proceeding Marketing Management Fall Educators Conference, Sept 2018.
- Doreen Sams, “Scaffolding International Exchanges of Culture and Business Course Content Through Shared Technology,” Proceedings. Marketing Management Fall Educators Conference, Sept 2018.
- Kelli Brown, Tsu-Ming Chiang, and Doreen Sams , “Undergraduate Research as a University’s Signature Transformative Learning Experienc,” Proceeding Council on Undergraduate Research Biennial Conference, July 2018.
- Hasita Mahabaduge, Doreen (Dee) Sams, Tsu-Ming Chiang, Kalina Manoylov, and Kelly Massey, “Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors: Lessons from a Professional Learning Community,” Proceedings USG Teaching and Learning Conference, April 2018.
- James Blair, Doreen Sams, Philip Frank, Mary Harrison, Reginald Sheppard, and Chi Zhang , “Best Practices in Teaching Marketing Research,” Proceedings Society for Marketing Advances, Nov 2017.
- Doreen Sams, “The Undergraduate Mentoring Process: Contributions to Efficiency & Success,” Proceedings Marketing Management Association Conference, Sept 2016.
- William F. Crittenden, Stacey Hills, Karen L. Koza, Doreen Sams, Hannah Walters , “Enriching the Educational Experience for Students through Faculty-Student Research Collaborations,” Proceedings Marketing Management Association Conference, Sept 2016.
- Doreen Sams and Jeanetta Sims , “Maximizing Marketing Partnerships - Empowering Your Effectiveness: College as Value Adding Assets,” Proceedings American Marketing Association Nonprofit Conference, July 2016.
- Robin Lewis, Rebecca McMullen, Jennifer Hammack, Doreen Sams, and Jeanetta Sims , “Mentored Undergraduate Research Handbook, 2nd Edition,” Proceedings Council on Undergraduate Research, June 2016.
- Janna Parker, Amit Poddar, Doreen Sams, and Kalina Manoylov , “Water Conservation On Campus: Experimental Study Examining The Role Of Advertising And Technology In Promoting Water Conservation Among College Students,” Proceedings Marketing Management Association, April 2016.
- Ron Smith, Doreen Sams, Joanna Schwartz , “Impact of Personal Beliefs in Business-to-Business Buyer Decisions,” Proceedings Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 2016.
- Doreen Sams, “Creatively Using Electronic Delivery Within Ferpa Compliance,” Proceedings Marketing Management Association Fall Educators' Conference - Puerto Rico, Sept 2015.
- Mentor - Doreen Sams and Undergraduate Researchers - Victoria Carver, Lisa Ouyang, Kayla Draffin, Sandra Schodowski, and Andrew Richardson , “Where Does One Search for Medical Help and Information Search in the 21st Century?,” Proceedings IntellectBase Conference, Oct 2016.
- Undergraduate Researcher - Sean Grimes and Mentor - Doreen Sams , “Utility Dashboards: Understanding Student Interest,” Proceedings National Council on Undergraduate Research , April 2016.
- Mentors - Doreen Sams and Robin Lewis, and Undergraduate Researchers - Carly O’Saben, Yannick Hass, Jason Lambert, and Ashley Savarnsky, “Strategic Branding: Undergraduate Research Conferences,” Proceedings GURC Conference, Nov 2016.
- Undergraduate Researchers - Ryan Blumenthal, Leslie Bowker, Natalee Laye, Hope McDonald and Mentor - Doreen Sams , “FOG Awareness, Advertisement Effectiveness, and Intentions of Middle School Students: An Empirical Study,” Proceedings National Council of Undergraduate Research , April 2016.
- Mentors - Doreen Sams and Robin Lewis, and Undergraduate Researchers - Carly O’Saben, Jason Lambert, Yannick Hass, and Ashley Savarnsky , “Brand Positioning: New Regional Undergraduate Research Conference,” Proceedings Atlantic Marketing Association Conference,, Sept 2016.
- Mentor - Doreen Sams and Undergraduate Researchers - Leslie (Fagan) Kennedy and Hadleigh Wilson, “Marketing Observations: Product Placement – Sporting Events,” Proceeding Marketing Management Association, March 2020.
- Rebecca McMullen, Jennifer Hammack, Robin Lewis, Doreen Sams, Steven Jones, “Revealing the Factors that Impact Faculty’s Role as Undergraduate Research Mentors: An Empirical Study,” Proceedings Conference of Higher Education Pedagogy, Feb 2016.
- Robin Lewis, Doreen Sams, Jennifer Hammack, Rebecca McMullen, Rosalie Richards , “Mentoring Undergraduate Research,” Proceedings USG Teaching and Learning Conference, 2015.
- Doreen Sams, Jennifer Hammack, Rebecca McMullen, and Robin Lewis , “Engaged Learning: Social Media and the Classroom,” Proceedings USG Teaching and Learning Conference, 2015.
- Amy Alice Chastain and Doreen Sams , “Qualitative Study in Intercultural Communication Exchange Competency: Bridging the Cultural Divide,” Proceedings IALIC Portugal, 2014.
- Doreen Sams, “Undergraduate Research and Institutional Boards: Facilitators or Hindrance,” Proceedings Marketing Management Association Fall Educators Conference, Sept 2014.
- Doreen Sams and Janna Parker , “Assignment of Value Chain Environmental Responsibility: Small Retailers’ Perspective,” Proceedings IMP Conference in France, Sept 2014.
- Doreen Sams, Robin Lewis, and Rosalie Richards , “Open Re-Sourcing: Higher Education Mentoring Handbook,” Proceedings CUR: Biennial Conference, June 2014.
- Doreen Sams and Janna Parker , “The Perspective of Small Retailers on Sustainability: An Exploratory Study for Scale Development,” Proceedings AMS Conference, May 2014.
- Doreen Sams and Minna Rollins , “Cross-Cultural Communication via Videoconferencing: Strategies for a Successful International Marketing Assignment,” Proceedings Mangement Management Association Conference, March 2015.
- Janna Parker and Doreen Sams , “The Role of Economics and Emotion in Adoption of Water Conservation Technology: A Between Subject Experimental Design,” Proceedings Marketing Management Association Educators Conference, March 2014.
- Karen Berman and Doreen Sams , “Economic Impact of College Theatres’ Attendees through Indirect Spending in a Local Community: Pilot Study,” Proceedings AABRI Conference, Jan 2014.
- Ron Smith and Doreen Sams , “Sustainability Across the Marketing Curriculum: Collaborative Projects and Classrooms,” Proceedings Georgia Sustainability Network Conference , August 2013.
- Banerjee, Koushik, Hauke Busch Amanda Chase, Jennifer Hammack, Caitlin Powell, Robin S. Lewis, Rebecca McMullen, Rosalie Richards, and Doreen Sams , “Mentorship as an Agent of Change: Student, faculty and global community stakeholders,” Proceedings USG Teaching and Learning Conference, Apil 2-12.
- Doreen (Dee) Sams and Philip Sams , “Software Security Assurance a Matter of Global Significance: Within the Product Life Cycle,” Proceedings lobal Digital Business Association, Inc., GDBA Annual Conference, Oct 2010.
- Cynthia Cano and Doreen (Dee) Sams , “Ethical Decision-Making of Business Students: A Field Observation,” Proceedings Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 2010.
- Fernando Jaramillo, Robert Nixon and Doreen , “The Effect of Law Enforcement Stress on Organizational Commitment,” Proceedings Southern Management Association, Nov 2004.
- Mentors - Cynthia Cano and Doreen Sams, and Undergraduate Researcher - Wesley Austin , “Multiculturalism In North America: A Framework For Predicting Demographic Changes,” Proceedings Southern Management Association, Nov 2006.
- Mentor - Doreen Sams, and Undergraduate Researchers - Michael Hersh, Shannon O’Keefe, Emily Scarboro, Zachary Tuman, and Laurern White , “Creativity’s Role in the Success of College of Business Students: An Empirical Study,” Proceedings Intellectbase International Consortium Conference, Oct 2011.
- Mentors - Janna Parker and Doreen Sams, and Undergraduate Researcher - Ivan Manoylov , “Sustainability Across the Marketing Curriculum: Undergraduate Research Mentoring,” Proceedings Georgia Sustainability Network Conference , Augsut 2013.
- Undergraduate Researchers - Brennen Sowell and Ivan Manoylov, and Mentors - Janna Parker and Doreen Sams , “The Personal Story of Small Retailers Behind Environmental Sustainability Change: Depth Interviews,” Proceedings SOBIE Conference, April 2014.
- Undergraduate Researcher - Emily Scarboro and Mentors - Doreen Sams and JaLynn Hudnall , “Overcoming Before and Aftermarket Sustainability Paradigms: A Holistic Perspective,” Proceedings SOBIE Conference , april 2011.
- Undergraduate Researcher - Nikki Lekas, and Mentors - Janna Parker, Amit Poddar, and Doreen Sams , “The Perceived Economic and Emotional Value of Eco-Feedback Technology,” Proceedings SOBIE Conference, April 2013.
- Undergraduate Researcher - Tara McCarthy and Mentors Doreen Sams and Joseph Schwartz , “Studying Abroad: Discovery of the Missing Links an Empirical Study,” Proceedings SOBIE Conference, April 2013.
- Doreen Sams, Rosalie Richards, Larry Bacnik, Jennifer Hammack, Caitlin Powell, Doreen Sams, Rebecca McMullen, and Robin Lewis , “Mentorship a Competitive Advantage in a Global Marketplace,” Proceedings SoTL Commons Conference, March 2013.
- Anne Hoel, Sarit Levy, Doreen Sams, Sherry Robinson, Minna Rollins , “Sustainability and Education Methodologies: Various Ways to Green the Business Curriculum,” Proceedings Intellectbase International Consortium Conference, Oct 2012.
- Anne Hoel, Doreen Sams, and Minna Rollins , “Teaching Sustainability Beyond The Classroom,” Proceedings Marketing Management Association Fall Educators Conference, Sept 2019.
- Doreen (Dee) Sams, Gregg Kaufman, and Brian Mumma , “Beyond the Classroom Product Offerings: A Shared Learning Experience in Citizen Science,” Proceedings Intellectbase International Consortium Conference, May 2012.
- Doreen Sams and Phil Sams , “ROA / ROI-Based Load And Performance Testing Best Practices: Increasing Customer Satisfaction and Positive Word-of-Mouth Advertising,” Proceedings Intellectbase International Consortium Conference, April 2012.
- Doreen Sams and Minna Rollins , “Phoenix Rising a USA Perspective: The Multilevel/Multimodal Reflections of a Recipe for Triangulation of a Globalized Learning Opportunity,” Proceedings Phoenix Rising a USA Perspective: The Multilevel/Multimodal Reflections of a Recipe for Triangulation of a Globalized Learning Opportunity, 2011.
- Doreen Sams, Mohammad Ayub Khan, and Monica Ospina , “Cultures Influence on Managements’ Best Practices Strategy Adoption: Study Across NAFTA Region,” Proceedings AABRI Conference, March 2011.
- Undergraduate Researcher - Matthew Boyle and MentorDoreen (Dee) Sams , “Investment Analysis,” Proceedings SOBIE Annual Academic Conference, April 2011.
- Doreen (Dee) Sams and Gregg Kaufman, “Paideia and the Liberal Arts University,” Proceedings 10th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference, Sept 2009.
- Doreen (Dee) Sams, “Where Have All the Mad Cows Gone? A Critical Look at a Multinational Health Crisis,” Proceedings Middle Atlantic and New England Council for Canadian Studies / Southern Association for Canadian Studies Conference, Oct 2008.
- Cynthia Rodriguez Cano and Doreen (Dee) Sams , “Body Modification and Self-Expression: An Investigation of College Students,” Proceedings Society for Marketing Advances, Nov 2008.
- Cynthia Rodriguez Cano, Doreen (Dee) Sams, and Undergraduate Researcher - Valerie Kimball , “Human Commonalities as Determinants of Global Marketing Strategy: Standardization versus Adaptation,” Proceedings Society of Business, Industry, and Economics 11th Annual Conference, April 2008.
- Cynthia Rodriguez Cano, Doreen (Dee) Sams, and Joseph Schwartz , “Is Socially Responsible Behavior Good Business? An Investigation of Voluntary Labeling of Potentially Hazardous Products.” Abstract Format,” Proceeding Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 2008.
- Doreen Sams, “Significant Influences on Advertising Research In The United States,” Proceedings CHARM Historical Conference, May 2003.
- Andrea Scott and Doreen Sams , “Triangulatory Reciprocal Benefit in Social Marketing: Measuring Motivation at Cause-Related Fitness Events,” Proceedings SMA Conference, Nov 2001.
- Miriam Stamps and Doreen (Dee) Sams , “Ethics, Social Responsibility and Vulnerable Consumers: International and Multicultural Strategic Implications,” Proceedings 2nd International AmFiTan Development Ethics Conference, 2001.
- Doreen (Dee) Sams, Miriam Stamps and Greg Marshall , “An Altruistic Approach to Product Warning Labeling: Propositions and Justification,” Proceedings Society for Marketing Advances Conference, Nov 2000.
- Miriam Stamps and Doreen (Dee) Sams , “Target Marketing, Ethics, Product Liability, and Vulnerable Consumers: International and Multicultural Strategic Implications,” Proceedings Academy of Marketing Science Multicultural Conference Hong Kong, Sept 2000.
- Karen Berman and Doreen Sams , “Assessment in Undergraduate Research – Students, Faculty, Curriculum, and Institutions: Five Years of AAC&U Rubrics Assessment,” Proceedings Council on Undergraduate Research Conference, June 2020.
- Doreen Sams and Undergraduate Researchers - Michael Hersh, Shannon O’Keefe, Emily Scarboro, Zachary Tuman, and Lauren White , “Creativity’s Role in the Success of College of Business Students: An Empirical Study,” Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, 2011.
- Undergraduate Researchers - Hannah Tyson and Carmen Joiner and Mentor - Doreen Sams , “Marketing is More Than a Pretty Face: Brandings Contributions to Environmental Sustainability,” Proceedings National Council on Undergraduate Research, 2019.
- Mentor - Doreen Sams and Undergraduate Researchers - Victoria Carver, Lisa Ouyang, Kayla Draffin, Sandra Schodowski, and Andrew Richardson , “Where Does One Search for Medical Help and Information Search in the 21st Century?,” Proceedings GURC Conference, Nov 2016.
- Mentors - Doreen Sams, and Janna Parker and Undergraduate Researchers - Emily Scarboro and Ivan Manoylov , “Sustainability Paradigm: Perspective of the Small Retailers,” Proceedings Sustainable Development and Planning Conference, Wessex Institute of Technology in Kos Greece, May 2013.
- Undergraduate Researcher - Christine Aiello, and Mentors - Doreen (Dee) Sams, and Cynthia Rodriguez Cano , “The Influence of Technology on Word-of-Mouth Advertising: A Conceptual Model,” Proceedings The Society of Business, Industry, and Economics 9th Annual Conference, April 2007.
- Mentors - Janna Parker and Doreen Sams, and Undergraduate Researcher - Danielle Mullen , “Sustainability Across the Marketing Curriculum: Water Conservation,” Proceedings Georgia Sustainability Network Conference, August 2013.
- Mentors - Cynthia Cano and Doreen Sams, and Undergraduate Researcher - Wesley Austin , “Multiculturalism In North America: A Framework For Predicting Demographic Changes,” Proceedings Second Biennial Regional Conference Southern Association of Canadian Studies, Oct 2006.
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