Georgia College & State University (GA)
Government and Sociology
criminal justice, mental health, gender and crime
community karma
: 725
About Me
R. Liles is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Georgia College &
State University. She has an MSW and a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from the
University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Her research interests include legal
policy, women and crime, juvenile justice, and mental health issues in the
criminal justice system. She has published in journals including Youth Justice, the Journal of At-Risk Issues,
the Journal of Qualitative Criminal
Justice and Criminology, as well as many other media. She mentors
undergraduate research at both regional and national conferences including the
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences and the American Society of Criminology. Her
teaching includes classes on legal issues, women and crime, and the criminal
justice system. She is also the current instructor for the Inside-Out Prison
Exchange Program at Georgia College. Since 2016 she has received multiple
grants to create combined educational opportunities for college students and
currently incarcerated individuals. To contribute to the greater community of Baldwin
County, she has written the new (2019) Animal Control ordinances and policies,
developed the Baldwin County Animal Control and Services partnership with
PetSmart, and has been awarded both state and national grants for Baldwin
County Animal Control and Services.
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