Call For Submissions - Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly

Posted by Alexander Vicas, community karma 69
The Hastings Constitutional Quarterly is currently accepting submissions for our Volume 49 Issues 3 and 4! 

As we finalize the manuscripts for Issue 3, and look ahead to Issue 4, we are looking for manuscripts that deal with (1) current events (COVID-19, protest rights, policing, prison issues) and (2) "Modern Constitutionalism" (criminal justice reform, marginalization and the law, equity, minimum due process rights). 

This is our final call for manuscripts for our Third Issue of Volume 49 to be published this winter/spring. We are open to receiving other submissions for our 4th, and final issue, as well. Please submit all manuscripts by the end of this week (Sunday) through Scholastica, and feel free to email the Acquisitions team at with any questions you might have. 

NOTE: please do NOT submit your manuscript through email; we have a strong preference for manuscripts submitted through Scholastica. 

We at Hastings CLQ prize diverse scholarship that highlights a multitude of perspectives. Please submit your article, regardless of its fit in the above issues, if you believe you bring such a perspective. 

Thank you!