George Washington Business and Finance Law Review Call for Submissions

Posted by Business & Finance Law Review, community karma 1161

The George Washington Business and Finance Law Review (BFLR) is seeking articles for publication in the Law Review's upcoming Volume 6. BFLR welcomes submissions from both academics and practitioners on any topics touching on business law or finance topics. 

BFLR accepts both full length articles and shorter essays; however, we strongly prefer to publish articles under 30,000 words in length, including text and footnotes. Interested authors are asked to submit their work through our Scholastica page (The Business & Finance Law Review ( Submission through Scholastica is preferred, but authors may also submit their manuscripts directly to the Law Review via email at 

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to BFLR at the email address listed above. Publication decisions will be made on a rolling basis.  Thank you, and we look forward to reviewing your submissions!