Currently, I am an Associate Professor of Educational Policy and Leadership at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Simultaneously, I serve as the Department Chair of Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education. I have a law and society background, having earned a Ph.D. from the Department of Education Policy Studies at Penn State and a J.D. from the University of Iowa College of Law. My work interrogates the intersection of education law, education policy, and the politics of education. Specifically, I study how law, policy, and politics interact with race and racism to sustain technologies of oppression.

University of Nevada–Las Vegas (NV)
Educational Psychology, Leadership, and Higher Education
education law, education policy, politics of education, voting rights act, charter schools, critical race theory
community karma
: 11765
About Me
- Steven L. Nelson, “Different Script, Same Caste in the Use of Passive and Active Racism: A Critical Race Theory Analysis of the (Ab)use of “House Rules” in Race-Related Education Cases,” 21 Wash. & Lee J. Civil Rts. & Soc. Just, Forthcoming.
- Erica Frankenberg, Preston C. Green III, and Steven L. Nelson, “Fighting Demographic Destiny: A Legal Analysis of Attempts of the Strategies That White Enclaves Might Use to Maintain School Segregation,” 24 Geo. Mason U. Civ. Rts. L.J. 39, 2013. Pages 39-60
- Steven L. Nelson & Heather Bennett, “Are Black Parents Locked out of Challenging Disproportionately Low Charter School Board Representation? Assessing the Role of the Federal Courts in Building A House of Cards,” 11 Duke J. Const. L. & Pub. Pol'y, Forthcoming.
- Steven L. Nelson & Alison C. Tyler, “Examining Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission v. School District of Philadelphia: Considering How the Supreme Court’s Waning Support of School Desegregation Affected State-Based Desegregation Efforts,” 40 Seattle U. L. R., Forthcoming, 2017.
- Steven L. Nelson, “Killing Two Achievements with One Stone: The Intersectional Impact of Shelby County on the Rights to Vote and Access High Performing Schools,” 13 Hastings Race & Poverty L. J., 2016. Pages 225-272
- Steven L. Nelson & Jennifer E. Grace, “The Right to Remain Silent in New Orleans: The Role of Self-Selected Charter School Boards on the School-to-Prison Pipeline,” 40 Nova Law Review, Forthcoming, 2016.
- Kathleen Collins, Preston C. Green, III, Steven L. Nelson and Santosh Madahar, “Cyber Charter Schools and Students with Dis/Abilities: Rebooting the IDEA to Address Equity, Access and Compliance,” Equity & Excellence in Education, 2016. Pages 71-86
- Steven L. Nelson, “Still Serving Two Masters? Evaluating the Conflict Between School Choice and Desegregation Under the Lens of Critical Race Theory,” 26 B. U. Pub. Int. L. J., forthcoming, 2016.
- Preston C. Green III, Erica Frankenberg, Steven L. Nelson and Julie Rowland, “Charter Schools, Students of Color and the State Action Doctrine: Are the Rights of Students of Color Sufficiently Protected?,” 18 Wash. & Lee J. Civil Rts. & Soc. Just., 2012. Pages 253-275
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